This section will contain map specific basic strats so you can gain a basic understanding of what a RBG lead is thinking when he tells you to go to farm, and 2 others to guard BS, etc. 


As with all things, there are more than one way to skin cats, and this is by no means the set in stone "right" way to do, but simply basic strats that is easy for newer teams and pugs to follow.


RBG Basic Comps

There are many ways to set up your group. When deciding what you should invite, you need to think of several things. Am i stacking to much melee, are three heals going to be enough to keep a heavy caster group up if focused, What kind of team comps have you been facing recently, will this counter them? Here are some tried and true comps to base off of when making these decisions, of course you can customize them any way you deem necessary, these are just starting points.

RBG Maps with Strats