• At start, have your FC pause behind the friendly "leaf" hut to try to deter the enemy team from zerging him at start.  Once its looks like he has a clear shot to the ramp, have him head to pick up flag.  IF he is harrassed have the holy paladin break to support him(BE VOCAL FC, WE NEED TO KNOW WHAT YOU NEED).  IF escorted by a paladin, and only harassed by melee, have the PALADIN cast BLESSING OF PROTECTION onto him, this will keep any attacks/stuns/etc off him and he can stay mounted and run through the attackers.  If already snared, freedom.
  • The rest of the group at start needs to IMMEDIATLY head to mid and stagger out as shown in diagram below,  have the DK grip anything that over extends to the back of our stack to range it from its heals and blow it up.
  • Rogue - if possible, harass enemy FC/Heals the entire way from where you can catch them, to our base.  IF they send people to support their FC, bugg out and come to mid to help(BE VOCAL, Declare what you are doing)
  • SHAMAN/MAGE - (be aware of the enemy, discuss who will lust first, so that you dont bothblow the CD, if the enemy lusts, or we have a opportunity to gain a good advantage lust.
  • MELEE- DO NOT OVER EXTEND.  YOU ARE NOT CONAN, you are a member of a team and have a job to do, stay to your assignment and do not allow the enemy to kite you out of range of heals.  You cannot do your job if dead
  • ONCE FLAG has been picked up by FC, HPAL now is primary escort of FC.  FC will setup approximatly 40 yards behind the raid, and at all times keep the raid between him and the enemy players.  HPAL will be between FC and Raid, so that it can heal both raid and if necessary bail out our fc is something gets through until we can react
  • Healers, if you need to regain mana, commuicate with the paladin, and rotate out.  Have the HPAL rotate into your position and now you are primary escort for FC until you regain mana and switch back in.
  • Once we wipe the enemy offense and are going for kill, shaman heals will go with HPAL/FC and head to cap, while everyone else will immediatly push enemy fc.
  • DURING KILL ATTEMPTS ON FC -   NO ONE BESIDES ROGUE OR TARGET CALLER will stun FC, this will keep him from being on DR in smokebomb
  • DURRING KILL ATTEMPST ON FC - This is the most important time of all to CC heals/peels, MAKE Sure not to get tunnel vision.
  • IF FC KILL ATTEMPT goes bad - break away if possible, die quickly if not and declare rez timer so rest of group knows.  Immediatly get back to position and be ready to collapse onto our FC if they are pushing Offense.
  • While in mid, if you are the one being targeted/focused, simply kite to back of stack and force them to have to retarget.
  • PRIEST - Be ready to lifegrip anyone they deathgrip away(be aware if they have another dk with grip up, so you don't get gripped as well)
  • IF start HORDE, do exactly the same simply flip to other side of map.