• Assuming that you start as alliance-
  • 1 DPS - preferably a hunter/ret/mage etc stay CAP and stay LH
  • ROGUE/FERAL push Mine and attempt to Stealth cap, if they ahve heavily defended Mine, or it seems like a waste of time, they bug out and go to help at WW
  • EVERYONE else heads WW, if possible frostmage/frost dk attempt to slow all incoming players coming across water to help get cap.
  • The FC will sit on flag and Rend/CLeave/TCLAP/SHOCKWAVE/ETC anything near enough to cap(remember that they can be a little bit away from flag to cap) IF you get CC'd you will sream at top of your lungs that you are cc'd so taht someone else can pick up aoe.  This leaves the rest of heals/dps free to kill/heal.
  • IF targeted(except for prot) you will kite behind heals, forcing enemies to retarget.
  • Once we get two cap, PROT/HPAL will stay at WW, Priest will stay at LH with the defender there,  and shaman and rest dps will flex to where the enemy pushes hard.  Set up near FLEX TEAM STaging areas, depending on which two you have captured, and flex when they attack
  • ENSURE YOU DO NOT GET JUKED, wait for them to commit to a node before you commit, if our defenders cant hold out for the extra 3 seconds, they arnt worth brigning anyway
  • IF they split dps and attack both nodes, split 4 and 4 with sham heals and a heavy hitting dps ready to break if it goes bad at one location or the other
  • IF WE 3 cap - all dps pushes to their start location and applies pressure at their respawn, two people stay near mine flag and we kite them over and over again to mine flag.  It should only take a few seconds from that point for a win.
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