3 Cap/ Mid Control

  • Assuming starting on Alliance Side(for other side simply flip)
  • Mage will SLOWFALL everyone just before gate drops, Pally will put sader aura up, and everyone will slow fall towards their assignments
  • MAGE will goto and cap DR, HUNTER cap MT, and FERAL/Rogue will stealth to BE tower to attempt stealth/quick cap, this will force enemy team to divert players from mid to support BE allowing a easier flag cap in mid
  • EVERYONE ELSE will slow fall to mid, FC on flag aoeing to keep them from picking up flag, DPS griping in and killing anything that over extends.heals will be at back of stack, and with exception of prot, anyone targeted will head towards heals to force a retarget or over extention from the enemy team.
  • IF either MT or DR gets attacked, Either the Frost DK or a Heal will break to support it depending on situation in mid.
  • ONCE we gain control of flag, goto phase 2
  • PROT holds flag with mage and HPAL at DR, Priest goes to MT to help defend, and feral heads to mid to keep control and cap as soon as flag spawns
  • WE WILL NOT CAP unless mid is completely controlled or you get over run at DR and are going to loose flag
  • FLEX TEAM is ready to flex to where every enemy team assaults, and my be required to split forces to support more than one base.
EoTS Initial fight.jpg?1326105134911