BS Turtle/4 cap strat

  • Assuming Starting as ally(if horde just flip it.)
  • FC/HPAL/RSHAM all head directly across water(with WW or hold spacebar down to run full speed thru water) prot setup on flag and attempt quick cap, if they send people bs, aoe flag and peel for heals.(PALADIN - stay with LM group until they head up the ramp to give them SADER AURA. i.e. run along the edge of the water so both bs/lm groups get sader aura)
  • Rogue - heads to mine and attemps a cap, be aware if they send stealth to mine as well, make sure u wait for their rogue to attempt cap before doing anything, get the opener and win, if they send 2 or more go bs and help get cap
  • STABLES/FARM leave the hunter or another defender, THEY WILL CALL OUT even if only one attacks, i dont care if its a nekid priest, you will call out for support
  • LM - Mage/dk/lock etc, anything with aoe cc run past the flag and slow them so that a healer in back can cap,  IF they send a large presence to LM bloodlust and focus them down quickly.  Mage priest start slowfalling them down.   
  • LM BE AWARE of if they have boomkin/ele sham/lock with succubus etc.  do not be near edge so u dont get blown off.
  • ONCe at BS quickly kill off anyone still there and get cap, have a dps go to support mine immediatly if he had the cap.  IF not have a double stealther team start putting preasure on mine/farm as you can.
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  • Farm/ST - 1 Defender - Ret or  Hunter - Bubble/deterence/pet - plenty of cds for solo defense
  • LM - Mage/Priest - mage bubble, slowfall/feather fall, aoe, mind control
  • MINE - Rogue/Feral - AOE's with lots of defensive CDS
  • BS - HPAL/TANK - Prot AOEs with HPAL defensives/aoe
  • Everyone else flexes
  • IF you have to give up a node, give up mine.
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